Uniform Analysis of Multipath Components From Various Scenarios With Time-Domain Channel Sounding at 300GHz
For the first time, channel measurements at 300 GHz from various environments and different measurement systems are jointly analyzed and published.
FedAUXfdp: Differentially Private One-Shot Federated Distillation
Federated learning suffers in the case of non-iid local datasets, i.e., when the distributions of the clients’ data are heterogeneous. One promising approach to this challenge is the recently proposed method FedAUX. This work presents a fully...
Coherent LiDAR with 2D quasi-static MEMS mirror scanning
Coherent LiDAR concepts for automotive applications are of increasing interest due to their superior performance, especially at longer range. Here, MEMS mirrors can be used as a compact scanning device. We demonstrate the operation of such a...
Microwave Photonic ps-Pulse and 140 GHz RF Comb Generator
A microwave photonic RF comb generator is presented by combining an fs-pulse laser and a high-speed broadband photodetector module. The subsystem generates pulses with a FWHM of 5.8 ps and a flat RF comb up to 140 GHz. Furthermore, the...
Real-Time Sub-THz Link Enabled Purely by Optoelectronics: 90–310 GHz Seamless Operation
A photonics-enabled sub-THz wireless link operating in real-time settings, using a PIN-PD-based THz emitter, and a THz receiver based on an ultra-fast photoconductor is demonstrated. The real-time generation and detection of the information...
Angle-Resolved THz Channel Measurements at 300 GHz in a Shopping Mall Scenario
This paper presents first results of channel measurements conducted at 300GHz in a shopping mall scenario. Angle-resolved channel impulse responses were analysed with regards to channel parameters. A novelty of this work is the channel parameter...
Colorless and Directionless ROADM for Meshed Coupled-Core Multicore Fiber Networks
Researchers from NICT, University of L’Aquila, Finisar and Sumitomo demonstrate the first meshed spatial-super-channel switching SDM network using field-deployed coupled-core multicore fibers with a 3 line-side, colorless, directionless ROADM....
Superiorized Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method with Application to MIMO Detection
This paper establishes the bounded perturbation resilience of the adaptive projected subgradient method (APSM), a flexible convex optimization framework. Exploiting this property enables a vast variety of heuristic extensions of APSM-based...
Partial MIMO-based Mode Division Multiplexing Transmission over the First Field-Deployed 15-Mode Fiber in Metro Scenario
Researchers from Politecnico di Milano, NICT, Prysmian and University of L’Aquila assess mode division multiplexing transmission based on partial MIMO equalization over 6.1 km of the first deployed 15-mode fiber. They demonstrate more than...
Colorless and Directionless ROADM for Meshed Coupled-Core Multicore Fiber Networks
Researchers from NICT, University of L’Aquila, Finisar, Prysmian and Nokia Bell Lab demonstrate a 2-line side 15-mode spatial division multiplexing network node based on fifteen 2×2 wavelength cross-connects to direct up to six 5 Tb/s, 15-mode,...