Animatable 3D Model Generation from 2D Monocular Visual Data
In this paper, we present an approach for creating animatable 3D models from temporal monocular image acquisitions of non-rigid objects. During deformation, the object of interest is captured with only a single camera under full perspective...
Markerless Closed-Loop Projection Plane Tracking for Mobile Projector-Camera Systems
The recent trend towards miniaturization of mobile projectors is allowing new forms of information presentation and interaction. Projectors can easily be moved freely in space either by humans or by mobile robots. This paper presents a technique...
Automatic Analysis of Sewer Pipes Based on Unrolled Monocular Fisheye Images
The task of detecting and classifying damages in sewer pipes offers an important application area for computer vision algorithms. This paper describes a system, which is capable of accomplishing this task solely based on low quality and severely...