InP-Components for 100 Gbaud Optical Data Center Communication
Externally modulated DFB lasers (EML) and vertically illuminated photodetectors are presented. Because of their excellent high-speed behavior and operation wavelength of 1310 nm, the devices are of interest for intra-data center communication....
Robustifying Models Against Adversarial Attacks by Langevin Dynamics
This paper proposes a novel, simple yet effective defense strategy for adversarial attacks on deep learning models. Our algorithm, called MALA for DEfense (MALADE), is applicable to any existing classifier, providing robust defense as well as...
Inverse Design Strategies for Large Passive Waveguide Structures
Inverse design is rapidly gaining popularity for automated design of photonic components. Two methods to improve it for large passive waveguide structures are developed: Adaptive Threshold Binarization and Hybrid Optimization. To demonstrate...
Neural Face Models for Example-Based Visual Speech Synthesis
In this paper we present an example-based approach for visual speech synthesis. We combine the advantages of deep generative models and classical animation approaches to create a real-time capable facial animation framework based on volumetric...
Second Harmonic Generation in Polymer Photonic Integrated Circuits
Second harmonic generation is an efficient way to create coherent radiation at wavelengths that are not accessible with standard laser sources. In this work we demonstrate second harmonic generation from 1550 nm to 775 nm in a polymer photonic...
Demonstration of Federated Learning over Edge-Computing Enabled Metro Optical Networks
We demonstrate the benefits of a federated learning framework for (re)training of global ML models over geo-distributed data sources. The demonstration is carried out on a live edge computing enabled optical networking test-bed. In this...
Predictive Resource Allocation for Automotive Applications using Interference Calculus
In autonomous driving, safety-related connected applications will coexist with infotainment services. We propose a multi-cell anticipatory networking framework with interference coordination based on Interference Calculus to serve diverse QoS...
Experimental Demonstrations of High-Capacity THz-Wireless Transmission Systems for Beyond 5G
Using the concept of a “THz-Wireless Fiber Extender” it is possible to combine the flexibility of wireless networks with the high capacity of fiber-optical networks. In this article, we report on a real-time short-range demonstration of a 100...
Dual-Band Node Architectures for C+L-Band Capacity Upgrades in Optical Metro Transport Networks
To address the capacity crunch in optical metropolitan networks caused by the roll out of innovations in the context of 5G and beyond innovative approaches are required to increase the achievable throughput. Multi band systems are an interesting...
Security Gap Investigation of Multilevel Coding in Coherent Fiber-Optical Systems
Using a coherent laboratory setup with up to 768 Gb/s data rate (64-GBd DP-64QAM), we experimentally show that multilevel coding (MLC) provides superior physical layer security (i.e. smaller security gaps) as compared to conventional...