4th Fraunhofer Alumni Summit 2019 at Fraunhofer HHI
NOV 2019
Berlin, Germany

"KI – in the field of tension between strategy, security and economy" is the motto of the Fraunhofer Alumni Summit 2019. The questions "What can, may, must artificial intelligence do?” and "Intelligent algorithms conquer our everyday lives – how do we live with them?" will be discussed as central topics of the event.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the central topic of this year's Fraunhofer Alumni Summit in Berlin. In its fourth edition, the meeting of former Fraunhofer employees offers participants opportunities to network with experts from business, research and politics.
Host of the 4th Fraunhofer Almuni Summit is the Fraunhofer HHI. Executive Director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wiegand will give a lecture on the subject of "Machine Learning at Fraunhofer HHI". In addition, the program includes guided tours of the Institutes Fraunhofer IPK and HHI, a general member meeting, specialist lectures and a panel discussion with top-class speakers. The Summit Dinner concludes with the opportunity to continue debates, hold discussions and make new (business) contacts.
The Fraunhofer Alumni Summit 2019 is addressed to former employees, guest scientists, doctoral students and scholarship holders of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft as well as students of cooperating universities.