Laser World of Photonics 2019
JUN 2019
24 - 27
Munich, Germany

The Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI is a world leader in the development for mobile and optical communication networks and systems as well as processing and coding of video signals. Together with international partners from research and industry, Fraunhofer HHI works in the whole spectrum of digital infrastructure – from fundamental research to the development of prototypes and solutions.
At Laser World of Photonics 2019 Fraunhofer HHI presents the latest developments in Photonic Components at Fraunhofer Booth 119, Hall B2 from June 24 to 27 in Munich, Germany.
Live Demonstration: Terahertz Sensing

Real-time layer thickness measurements
Terahertz radiation is increasingly employed for industrial process monitoring and material inspection. The layer thickness of coatings, the structure of polymers or imperfections in non-conductive materials can be determined.
Fraunhofer HHI presents a live demonstration of its latest T-Sweeper spectrometer. The measurement rate of up to 60 points per second allows for thickness measurements in real time. This makes the T-Sweeper a cost-efficient and robust alternative to pulsed THz systems.
Hybrid PICs

Best of all worlds
Fraunhofer HHI’s PolyBoard platform enables the hybrid integration of complex and highly functional photonic integrated circuits (PICs) including active and passive optical functionalities. Recently, on-chip isolators with an isolation ratio of 30 dB over a bandwidth of 55 nm have been developed, and are included as new optical functionalities of the platform. They utilize on-chip free-space sections, created by a pair of GRIN lenses and a hybridly integrated free-space isolator. All these components are fully customizable available as building blocks of the PolyBoard’s micro-optical bench for wavelengths from the visible to the infrared.
InP Foundry Services

An InP technology to cover a vast variety of monolithic or hybrid integration solutions.
The generic InP integration platform by Fraunhofer HHI continues to be extended. Latest upgrades include components for handling of optical polarization as well as general performance upgrades. Fraunhofer HHI offers an InP platform that integrates receivers (40GHz), transmitters (20GHz) and (1dB/cm) passive components. Partners offer services for design work and packaging.
100 GHz Photodetector Modules

Fraunhofer HHI provides 100 GHz single and balanced photodetector modules operating from the O- to the L-band. The intended application for the modules is test and measurement.
Indium-Phosphide Mach-Zehnder Modulator

C- and O-Band High-Speed Modulator
Fraunhofer HHI presents the state-of-the-art InP Mach-Zehnder Modulator with 50 GHz bandwidth for C- and O-Band applications.
Optical Components for Datacom

Electroabsorption-modulated DFB lasers (EMLs), Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZM) and vertically illuminated photodiodes (PD) for datacom applications.
Fraunhofer HHI provides high-speed transmitter and receiver components for 400G Ethernet applications. The components are compliant with the IEEE P802.3bs standard.
Diffractive Optical Elements

Fraunhofer HHI provides tailored binary and multi-level diffractive optical components in silica and silicon for wavelengths ranging from the DUV to the IR.The portfolio includes various types of diffractive lenses, gratings, axicons and complex computer generated DOEs such as beam shapers, pattern generators, and especially beam splitters and diffusors for structured light application.