Smart Data Analytics Training with the Fraunhofer Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Alliance

MAY 2019

9 - 10

Berlin, Germany

The Smart Data Forum at the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Big Data Alliance, organizes the Smart Data training course: "Aus Daten Prognosen für Entscheidungen gewinnen" (Using data to make predictions for decisions).

More and more small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are realizing the potential of the currently available data volumes and are beginning to redefine themselves as "smart data driven companies". Using predictive models, they extract prognosis from data to make decisions and take action at all levels of the business. To fully exploit this potential, companies should gain experience in using Smart Data and learn about a specific mix of methods and procedures.

The training provides methods for data exploration, modelling and validation on the basis of simple and practically relevant questions. Participants with basic knowledge of statistics and initial programming experience will learn the basics of modern data analysis. Experienced data analysts convey practical and at the same time theoretically sound content. 

The course is aimed at analysts who want to expand their data analysis skills, at software developers/architects who develop solutions for analytical problems, and at interested researchers who are looking for orientation in the field of data science.

The registration form and further information about the event can be found here .


Marc Reznicek

Marc Reznicek

Head of Showrooms & Events

Project Manager – Forum Digital Technologies

Phone +49 30 31002-412