

Fraunhofer HHI spin-off Volucap honored with "Innovation Award Berlin Brandenburg"

The start-up Volucap GmbH, a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI), is one of the six winners of the "Berlin Brandenburg Innovation Award". The Volucap team received the prize for developing the technology that forms the basis of Volucap's volumetric studio. The technology rests upon technological advancements made at Fraunhofer HHI. The volumetric studio uses a unique software and camera technology to take lifelike, three-dimensional pictures of people. This facilitates the creation digital doubles.

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ARD/ZDF nominate Fraunhofer HHI researcher for the "Women + Media Technology" award

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Jennifer Rasch, a former research associate in the institute’s Video Coding & Analytics (VCA) department, has been nominated for the prestigious ARD/ZDF “Women & Media Technology” award.

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BEST OF Industry Award 2018 for the „Proxemic Bedside Monitor“, developed at Fraunhofer HHI

The „Proxemic Bedside Monitor“ developed at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI was among the top 5 in the 2018 INDUSTRY top list. The product was honored with the rating “BEST OF” and awarded the 2018 Industry Prize.

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