Aktuelle Publikationen

Oktober 2024

SPVLoc: Semantic Panoramic Viewport Matching for 6D Camera Localization in Unseen Environments

Niklas Gard, Peter Eisert, Anna Hilsmann

We present SPVLoc, a global indoor localization method that accurately determines the six-dimensional (6D) camera pose of a query image and requires minimal scene-specific prior knowledge and no scene-specific training. Our approach employs a...

Oktober 2024

Experimental Dataset for Developing and Testing ML Models in Optical Communication Systems

Caio Marciano Santos, Colja Schubert, Johannes Fischer, Robert Emmerich, Mohammad Behnam Shariati, Pooyan Safari, Abdelrahmane Moawad

We present here a public dataset for developing and testing ML models. The dataset is developed in a laboratory setting and includes 12672 samples including data points with different modulation formats, symbol rates, distances, WDM channel...

Oktober 2024

Causes of Outcome Learning: A causal inference-inspired machine learning approach to disentangling common combinations of potential causes of a health outcome

Andreas Rieckmann, Wojciech Samek, Sebastian Lapuschkin, Leila Arras, Piotr Dworzynski, Onyebuchi A. Arah, Naja H. Rod, Claus T. Ekstrom

Nearly all diseases are caused by different combinations of exposures. We present the Causes of Outcome Learning approach (CoOL), which seeks to discover combinations of exposures that lead to an increased risk of a specific outcome in parts of...

Oktober 2024

Impact of Multi-Band Transmission on Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio Measurements

Robert Emmerich

Fraunhofer HHI researchers investigate the influence error of a fixed noise bandwidth assumption (i.e., 12.5 GHz) on optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) measurements in the context of multi-band transmission and propose a correction method that...

September 2024

Demonstration of a Real-Time Testbed for D-Band Integrated Sensing and Communication

Sven Wittig, Slawomir Stanczak, Michael Peter, Ramez Askar, Rodrigo Hernangómez, Amr Haj-Omar, Karen Vardanyan

The D-band, spanning 110 GHz to 170 GHz, has emerged as a relevant frequency range for future mobile communications and radar sensing applications, particularly in the context of 6G technologies. This demonstration presents a high-bandwidth,...

September 2024

BTSeg: Barlow Twins Regularization for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation

Johannes Wolf Künzel, Peter Eisert, Anna Hilsmann

We introduce BTSeg, an innovative, semi-supervised training approach enhancing semantic segmentation models in order to effectively handle a range of adverse conditions without requiring the creation of extensive new datasets. BTSeg employs a...

August 2024

Dual-Polarized Sub-THz Channel Measurements in D-Band in an Industrial Environment

Alper Schultze, Wilhelm Keusgen, Michael Peter, Ramez Askar, Taro Eichler, Mathis Schmieder

In this paper, we introduce a novel time domain (TD) correlation based channel sounder that operates in the D-band (110 GHz to 170 GHz) with which we performed dual-polarized sub-THz channel measurements in an industrial environment.

August 2024

Localization in Dynamic Indoor MIMO-OFDM Wireless Systems using Domain Adaptation

Rafail Ismayilov, Slawomir Stanczak, Renato L. G. Cavalcante

Predicting user locations in dynamic indoor wireless environments is improved by using domain adaptation techniques. This approach effectively addresses challenges such as the birth, death, and drift of scattering clusters caused by environmental...

August 2024

W-Band Beamforming Front-End Implementation and Outdoor Trials for Mobile Backhaul and Access

Mathis Schmieder, Wilhelm Keusgen, Michael Peter, Mehrnoosh Mazhar Sarmadi, Alper Schultze, Dirk Schwantuschke

This paper presents the design and implementation of a novel analog beam former for the frequency range around 85 GHz. The capabilites are demonstrated through an outdoor trial in an urban environment, showcasing the potential of high frequency...

August 2024

When Only Time Will Tell: Interpreting How Transformers Process Local Ambiguities Through the Lens of Restart-Incrementality

Brielen Madureira, Patrick Kahardipraja, David Schlangen

A method to interpret how restart-incremental bidirectional models process local ambiguities, with an analysis on meaning representation and dependency parsing.

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