OPIE 2022
APR 2022
20 - 22
Yokohama, Japan

The Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI is a world leader in the development for mobile and optical communication networks and systems as well as processing and coding of video signals. Together with international partners from research and industry, Fraunhofer HHI works in the whole spectrum of digital infrastructure – from fundamental research to the development of prototypes and solutions.
At OPIE 2022 Fraunhofer HHI presents the latest developments in Photonic Components, Networks and Systems at Fraunhofer Booth G-02 from April 20-22 in Yokohama, Japan.
200 GHz Coherent Receiver Frontend with Optical Extender Heads
To cope with the continuously growing demand for bandwidth in telecom and datacom applications, Fraunhofer HHI researchers developed a Coherent Receiver Frontend (CRF) , offering 200 GHz optical bandwidth detection with polarization- and phase-diversity over C+L-band.
Its unique feature are customizable optical extender heads with robust 1mm RF ruggedized connectors for high signal integrity, robust testing & measurement performance and convenient handling & operation for our customers.
Fraunhofer HHI and ID Photonics offer fully integrated 60 GHz DP-IQ Reference Transmitter
The latest Test & Measurement Equipment launched by Fraunhofer HHI and ID Photonics is the DP-IQ Reference Transmitter . It comprises a high-bandwidth dual-polarization IQ Mach Zehnder modulator and electrical modulator driver amplifiers to convert differential electrical RF signals with an e/o bandwidth up to 60 GHz into various optical modulation formats (e.g. QPSK and m-QAM).
Its unique features are a high fidelity tuneable C-band laser source and a fully automated bias control for the modulator, enabling symbol rates beyond 100 GBaud/s in the Terabit/s single carrier regime.
Gigabit Optical Wireless Link
Fraunhofer HHI presents the improved version of its 1 Gbit/s optical point-to-point link with rate adaptive data transmission. The system is resistant against jamming and offers high robustness in severe weather conditions. It allows for a flexible and economic setup for mobile backhaul and wireless-to-the-home applications.
High-Speed Photodetector Modules
Components for 1Tb/s Transmission and Microwave Photonics
Fraunhofer HHI provides single and balanced photodetector modules with a bandwidth up to 145 GHz operating from the O- to the L-band. The intended application for the modules is test and measurement. For the application of microwave photonics dedicated high-power photodetector modules are presented.
Terahertz Systems for Sensing and Wireless Communications
We present the next generation of fiber-coupled terahertz modules for applications in spectroscopy and non-destructive testing, as well as 6G communications.
Our newly developed semiconductor layers make it possible to raise the emitted terahertz power to 637 µW and increase the dynamic range by 10 dB. This can lead, for example, to a significant improvement in the reliability of thickness determination of very thin layers.
With 6G wireless communication, another new and rapidly growing field of application emerges: using the principle of optoelectronic conversion, our terahertz modules allow optically modulated signals (e.g. QAM or QPSK) to be directly converted into wireless communication channels at carrier frequencies between 100 GHz and 500 GHz. This was used to demonstrate a data transfer rate of >100 GB/s in the 300 GHz band.
Electroabsorption-modulated lasers (EML) for 100G/400G/800G optical transmitters
Hybrid PICs
The best of all worlds
Fraunhofer HHI’s PolyBoard enables the hybrid integration of active and passive optical functionalities into complex and highly functional photonic integrated circuits. Building blocks include tunable lasers at VIS and NIR wavelengths as well as thin film filters for polarization and wavelength handling. Furthermore, the micro-optical bench allows for the on-chip integration of optical isolators and circulators, and nonlinear crystals for quantum technologies.
Generic InP Foundry Platform
An InP technology to cover a vast variety of monolithic or hybrid integration solutions
The generic InP integration platform at Fraunhofer HHI continues to be extended. Latest upgrades include components for handling of optical polarization as well as general performance upgrades. Fraunhofer HHI offers an InP platform that integrates receivers (40GHz), transmitters (20GHz) and (1dB/cm) passive components. Partners offer services for design work and packaging.