May 18, 2018

Wojciech Samek, Head of Machine Learning Group at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI, gave a presentation as an expert on Safe and Secure AI at the "AI for Good Global Summit" organized by the ITU in Geneva. Thomas Wiegand, Director of the Fraunhofer HHI, moderated the panel.
The ITU (International Telecommunication Union), a specialized agency of the United Nations with headquarters in Geneva, coordinates the frequency utilisation on a global scale and supports the development and alignment of technical standards worldwide. The "AI for Good" series is the leading United Nations platform for dialogue on AI (Artificial Intelligence) and hosted the second global AI Summit on beneficial AI in Geneva from 15 to 17 May 2018.
Several teams guided by a professional audience of mentors from government, industry, academia and civil society have proposed effective AI strategies that can be implemented in the near future. Wojciech Samek gave a lecture at the summit entitled "How to make the Black Box of Neural Networks transparent - The path towards Explainable AI".
Building on the first AI Summit from last year, the second summit aimed to provide practical solutions on how AI can accelerate progress towards the United Nations' sustainable development goals. The 2018 action-oriented summit demonstrated practical applications of AI and supported the development of strategies to improve the quality of life and sustainability on our planet.
Further information can be found here .