Defined changes of material’s properties by applying femtosecond laser pulses on various materials (like glasses, metal oxides, polymers, etc. …), are opening new perspectives for sensing applications.
In the research and business field of the FiberLab group, individual solutions based on femtosecond laser technology are developed for applications concerning high relevance for industry and society. Fundamental tools to overcome these current and future challenges are the continuous optimization and development of the laser processing technology combined with further supporting technologies. For example, to the processing of individual sensor functions in optical glass fibers with ultrashort pulse lasers, chemical or physical surface processing technologies are added. With these sensors, customized sensor networks with evaluation software are provided and applied in many different application fields in the industry and medical sector. Besides the research and development of sensors, the FiberLab group is offering many experiences for specific sensor integration tasks, sensor networks, and systems for the acquisition and evaluation of sensor data.
Research Topics
The research topics of the group include the adaption and optimization of fiber optical sensors processed by femtosecond laser and the related evaluation systems. The focus lies on the development of a powerful fiber optical technology platform covering a wide range of real life applications.
Current research at the FiberLab group is based on about 15 projects from industry and public funding bodies.