Fraunhofer lead project for 6G technologies.
6G Enablers: Flexible Networks, THz Technology and Integration, Non-Terrestrial Networks, Sidelink, and Localization.
Duration: January 2021 - June 2024
In the 6G SENTINEL project, the five participating Fraunhofer Institutes are developing key technologies for the impending 6G mobile communications standard. To this end, they are working on further improving the data rates, availability, accuracy, service quality and reliability of mobile communications. 6G SENTINEL aims not only to push existing 5G technologies further, but also to develop brand new approaches that will help applications such as virtual reality, digital twins and autonomous driving achieve a genuine breakthrough with 6G. The top priorities are to exploit terahertz frequencies and develop technology for more flexible networks, in particular by incorporating satellites and flying platforms.
As part of the project, the Wireless Communications and Networks department at Fraunhofer HHI is carrying out radio channel measurements to characterize and model the propagation properties at sub-THz frequencies. Based on simulations and hardware-in-the-loop transmissions, waveforms and algorithms are developed that are specifically adapted to the characteristics of the channel and the hardware. In addition, channel models and transmission techniques for non-terrestrial networks are developed.