Convergent Networks
Funded by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Duration: March 2018 – December 2020
Digital, high-tech and dependent on mobility – this is how our modern living and working society looks like. Prerequisite for the increasing demands on data rate, transmission distance, availability, latency and interference resistance is therefore a flexible and reliable availability of communication- and data connections. In the project “KoNet”, the Fraunhofer Institutes HHI, IAF, ESK und FIT are working together to develop key technologies for future heterogeneous, convergent networks. The aim is to develop a THz-based radio technology at high carrier frequencies (>100 GHz), which will increase the usable bandwidth and thus the available data capacity. In the future, this technology will be used in mobile and stationary application scenarios.
Within KoNet, the mm-Wave research group develops novel concepts for strongly focusing antennas and carries out radio channel measurements in the THz frequency range.