This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 957059
COPA EUROPE aims to address the exploding demand for non-linear sports (live and eSports) by leveraging OTT and combining it with new set of media technologies that will democratise the consumer experience, enable cost-sensitive live video from anywhere, and personalize the distribution to change the experience of each viewer individually. COPA EUROPE will develop four main technology areas:
- Media AI, which implements a secure recommender system fuelled by FL, specifically tailored to support the launching of personalized OTT channels, incorporating a variety of data (video, audio, statistical data etc.) harmoniously blended with commercial offerings in order to provide an enriched experience, to promote the personalisation of the provided services.
- Transmedia Storytelling, which aims to aid both connected subscribers and media professionals in indexing, searching, navigating, synchronizing and editing compelling productions from heterogeneous media sources and a variety of social media channels.
- Semi professional cloud-based live content workflow, from live video contribution and transmission from anywhere, through basic tools for semi-professional content production leveraging on context-tailored transcoding and bonding transmission using multiple 5G links, and/or 4G together, to ensure reliability, video continuity, high resolution and user experience.
- Blockchain, which provides support for P2P network infrastructure necessary to deliver an efficient smart contract transaction ecosystem, and subsequently deliver a decentralized live stream to individual paying subscribers.
Project Partners
- Nova
- Idryma Technologias kai Erevnas
- IBM Israel - Sciense and Technology Ltd.
- Ellinike Etrairia Tilepikoinonion kai Tilematikon Efarmogon AE
- Ebos Technologies Ltd
- LiveU Ltd.
- Ektacom