The Video Coding Systems (VCS) Group is working on solutions demonstrating the benefits of the latest standardized video coding technologies. A particular focus of the group's effort is the developement of practical systems that enable the use of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) standard.

VVC Optimized Algorithms
Building upon the experience from previous successful solutions for the H.264/AVC and H.265/HEVC standards, we are developing optimized encoder and decoder algorithms for the emerging H.266/VVC standard. For fast encoding without sacrificing coding efficiency, this includes data-driven fast decision algorithms, look-ahead, subjective optimization, rate-control and multithreading. At the decoder, multi-threading as well as coding tool and data structure optimizations enable live decoding of VVC encoded video up to 4K with 60 frames per second (fps).

VVC Standard Development Support
As a basis for the Fraunhofer HHI response to the call for proposals, which started the VVC standard development, we developed a comprehensive and debug-friendly video codec software framework called NextSoftware. This software was used as the basis for the VVC test model (VTM) reference software. Besides our compression technology contributions, we contributed thread parallel encoding, fast block partitioning algorithms and test video sequences up to 8K resolution to the VVC standardization activity.
HEVC Software Solutions
After being deeply involved in the H.265/HEVC standardization activities, we used our knowledge to develop live encoding and decoding solutions that fully exploit the compression potential of HEVC. Our shoot-out winning HEVC live encoder powers the field-proven Rohde & Schwarz HEVC turnkey broadcast solutions. Numerous DVB-T2 HD and DVB-C/S2 UHD broadcast channels are currently on air with the Fraunhofer HHI HEVC live encoder.